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Engage Inspire Ignite

Meditate at the beach

Namaste/Satnam/Aloha 💜


My name is eurikamae. 

I am honoured and thankful for your visit here and now, welcome.  As a short introduction,  I offer a holistic approach to a variety of services from yoga to meditation, massage to healing therapy and core coaching all aimed at supporting and fostering the many levels of your being.  I love working with every being from all walks of life who all share the common goal of connecting their mind, body, and soul.

The moment I have decided to quit the corporate world, I made a conscious decision and surrendered to the unknown and mystery of life. I went to travel around the globe, exploring, discovering, searching the meaning of life and my purpose of being here on Earth. In that exploration, endless pathways openend for me to experience life fully to the extent. Since young, I am deeply connected spiritually and during my travels this has expanded even more with influences from Nepal, India, Asia & US/Mexico. I’ve learned Tibetan buddhism & Taoism for over a course of years and studied in Shambhala Meditation centers. The practice of qi-qong, yoga & meditation followed and I have dedicated to learning different disciplines with a focus on aligning the body & mind through movement & flow of energy. And continued to deepen my practice in meditation with a group of my fellow mentors & teachers from around the globe. I am one of the Jani Tara and we are a loving service of light who assist & support humanity to learn, to grow and to evolve through the manifestation of our physical selves. Reminding that we are all a divine sacred vessels for new consciousness. And since few years now, Lomi Lomi came into my path and have been blessed to receive the teachings from my kumus (teacher) where I get to learn the Hawaiian Body Work of different styles from different lineages. I love to learn, continue evolving and my deepest intention is to explore & live life to its fullest potential in co-creation with my highest self. I love to share these gifts with you, to engage, ignite & inspire and cultivate self-love as the ultimate freedom. Your journey begins from within. Are you ready to join me?

Holistic Offer

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

Marcus Aurelius

Upcoming Events

  • Sound Healing
    Sound Healing
    Time is TBD
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    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Stay tuned...coming soon!!!
  • Meditation Online
    Meditation Online
    Time is TBD
    Zoom Online
    Time is TBD
    Zoom Online
    Time is TBD
    Zoom Online
    Meditating together is love in action. Coming soon.

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“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”

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